Jonthan the Husky

Mascot, University of Connecticut

Jonathan the Husky is the mascot of the University of Connecticut. All of UConn’s huskies are named Jonathan in honor of Jonathan Trumbull, the last colonial and first state Governor of Connecticut. There are two versions of Jonathan: the costumed version and the canine version.

All but the first real husky mascot, a brown and white dog, had been solid white with one brown eye and one blue eye, until 2013 when UCONN officially changed their logo to a black and white Husky. The newest Jonathan is Jonathan XIV, a black and white male introduced January 29, 2014. Jonathan is one of the few university mascots in the nation to have been selected by students via a popular poll (in 1933).

The co-ed service fraternity Alpha Phi Omega has helped to care for the canine Jonathan since the 1970s.

jonathan the husky mascot
Contact Information
Phone(860) 000-0000
Mailing Address000 Storrs Ave, Storrs CT.
Office LocationGampel Pavillion