Katherine Fleck presents at the EMBO Workshop: The Evolution of Animal Genomes in Sevilla, Spain
Peter Fatzinger Joins the Lab as a MCB Undergraduate Student
Welcome, Peter!
Katherine Fleck presents at the Penn State’s 39th Summer Symposium on Chromatin and Regulation of Gene Expression in University Park, PA, USA.
Congratulations to Katherine Fleck for receiving an award for best poster at the Institute for Systems Genomics Networking Event in Farmington, CT, USA!
Jelena Erceg gives a talk at the EMBO Workshop: Meiosis.
Katherine Fleck presents at the Gordon Research Seminar and Conference, Genome Architecture in Cell Fate and Disease in Ventura, CA, USA.
Akshada Shankar Ganesh presents at the UConn Fly Club Symposium.
Nitanta Garag and Romir Raj present at the 26th Annual Frontiers Undergraduate Research Poster Exhibition.